Birthing tubs designed to facilitate the humanization of the childbirth

Seagull Medica S.r.l is a company specialized in the production of delivery tubs: an effective tool to improve a relaxing childbirth, reducing pain and promoting pelvic relaxation

The tub designed to meet the highest standards of hygiene and safety on the market.


It is a tool that, combined with professional supervision, is an effective aid during childbirth, reducing the pain of contractions, promoting relaxation of the pelvic muscles and reducing the time of dilation.


The Bensberg tub is made of fiberglass and particular care has been taken over its ergonomics and profile so as to reduce sharp and pointed parts to a minimum.

The large door facilitates patient access, which is essential for a safe water birth, even in emergency situations.


Emptying time of one and a half minutes thanks to the special oversized drain.

Bensberg Classic

Our standard birthing tub with smooth interior

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Bensberg Must

Our delivery tub with raised seat and shaped footrest

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Bensberg Tamarindo

Our smooth birthing tub with footrest

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Turnkey solution

100% allround service

Seagull Medica offers the full range of birthing services including the “100% all-round service”.

Excellent quality

Cleaning and disinfection

The products of Seagull Medica S.r.l. are well known for their aesthetic quality as well as for their technical and ergonomic solutions of equal importance.

Professional consulting

Pre and post purchase

Assistance and consulting for the design and renovation of the delivery areas, as well as the installation,
the servicing and the costumer support through its
specialized technicals.